
Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Look Inside My Life

Most people don’t believe I’m a sports writer, but I mean, why should they? I’m an 18 year old girl who shows up to games dressed relatively stylish, with a cute briefcase and a stat book in hand. Coaches usually scoff at me when I ask for a lineup or worse yet, try to flirt with me.  Many think being a writer is a joke. Yes, I do get in to games for free, but I don’t go just to hang out with all my friends. It is weird that I’m “working” while my fellow peers are working their asses off on a field or court. I get to relax, sit there, and take it all in. Well, that makes my job sound easy, but it’s stressful too. I like to prop myself in the corner of the gym or far from the fans so no one tries to disturb me or tell me how I should write. I always say if they would like to tell me how to do my job they can go pick up an application at the paper. But from the first quarter, period, inning or whatever it is, I’m working just as hard as those players. I need to remember every single detail, every play, and I can’t mess up because people read what I write. They get to critique what I do and if they don’t like my style or what I’ve chosen to write about, so be it, but I’ll hear feedback.
I love what I do though. I’ve met so many different people and I’ve been able to do my favorite thing in the world – watch sports. I get paid to go sit at a game or match and just take it in. Sometimes the hours are long, even those who are paid to write get writer’s block too. But in the end it’s all worth it. Picking up the paper the next day and seeing my name next to an article, especially one that makes the front page, is so rewarding. Better yet is when people in public tell me they’ve read my work and like what I have to say. Some people also tell me when I mess up or get something wrong, or even when they don’t like how I’ve worded a particular play or call, but it all comes with the job.
I’m in the minority, not only am I the youngest person who works in the sports section at the paper I’m at, but I’m the only girl as well. I’m the butt of a few jokes, even coaches and officials tease me saying it’s nice that they’ve brought me in to “class the place up”, but I don’t let those comments bother me. I’ve always been considered one of the guys because of my extensive knowledge of sports.
I like to think I know a little bit about every sport out there, but I’m sure there are some I’ve never even heard of before. I have my strong points. Football, my absolute, hands-down, favorite sport, and one of the most complicated for women to understand is an area I thrive in. Maybe it’s because my vision and knowledge of the game usually makes it beyond the sidelines and the players’ asses in spandex. Or perhaps it’s due to my dad’s love of the game? I’ve been lucky enough to be raised in a football family. Daddy was a walk-on linebacker at the University of Pittsburgh, while both my cousins went to play in college as well. My oldest cousin Frankie also coached at both Class AA as well as AAAA in the area, and has high hopes of moving on to coach college ball. I’ve learned a lot from watching his style of coaching and how his teams work. But I learn the most just sitting around the TV with the guys.
I know a whole lot about basketball, baseball, and softball as well. All were sports I played at a young age but ended up giving up so as to write instead.
 I hold my own in the wrestling department too. I was born in to a wrestling family. Both my uncles were District champions and my godfather was the first two-time District champion our town ever had. Wrestling is about so much more than guys rolling around on a sweaty mat, it’s a sport of hard-work and discipline. If you don’t believe me, try dating or living with a wrestler. I’ve never seen men exercise such control and restraint in their lives. It looks easy, until you take on the challenge to wrestle one and end up on your back in less than ten seconds. Take it from me and from experience, it’s definitely not as easy as it looks so don’t be judgmental.
I started this blog because my mom gave me the idea. She’s said for years that I know so much about sports and I should share my knowledge with the rest of the female population. If males read this too, more power to you. You’re getting a look inside the female mind or perhaps I’m answering questions you’re too scared to ask your jock buddies.
I’ll be giving my random thoughts about things happening in the sports world whenever I have the time. And just throwing it out there now, there may be some random rants and things that get completely off topic, but I’m a random and opinionated person, I apologize in advance! But for this to work I hope to have feedback from people too, so ask me questions! Tell me what you want to know or hear about! I can’t answer if I don’t know, and I’m open to all opinions.
But more to come later!


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